Monday, July 18, 2011

Instances in history of celebrity

Early recorded instances of celebrity include the winners at the Olympic games in ancient Greece. Winners of the games promoted their fame by commissioning hymns praising their exploits.

In ancient Rome portraits of powerful men appeared stamped on coins. Works of art bearing their likenesses further enhanced their fame. The renown of certain actors, such as Quintus Roscius Gallus, endured until the 19th century. Gladiators could also gain considerable fame as news of their victories spread by word of mouth.

In the 12th century news of the murder of Thomas à Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, spread across Europe. Relics and images of Becket became commonplace. His portrait was found from Iceland to Palestine. Manuscripts, wall paintings and stained glass were decorated with scenes of the saint's life. His reputation has endured: T. S. Eliot wrote about his death in Murder in the Cathedral in 1935 and a popular film about him appeared in 1964.

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