Monday, August 1, 2011

Casey Anthony will reportedly Return to Florida to Serve Probatio in Chech Fraud Conviction.

Casey Anthony who was acquitted last month of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, has been ordered to return to Orange County, Fla., to serve probation from a prior check fraud conviction.

The probation stems from charges Anthony stole checks and passed them off as her own. The 25-year-old pleaded guilty to the charges in 2010 and was sentenced to a year of probation for the fraudulent checks.
 The state Department of Corrections interpreted Judge Stan Strickland's sentence so that Anthony could serve the probation while she was in jail awaiting her murder trial, but the judge says he intended the probation to be served after her release.

On Monday, Strickland signed amended documents that now require Anthony to serve one year of supervised probation, according to the station. Anthony could be ordered to report to the Orange County probation office as early as this week.

Anthony left prison on July 17 after a jury acquitted her of murdering her toddler daughter, Caylee. She was convicted of lying to detectives, but was released from jail because of time served. She then disappeared from public view.

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